日本の大冒険:第2章 – Japan Adventure: Part 2
明日は私の彼女の妹の結婚式です。でも夕べは高いホテルの部屋でバックツーザーフューチャーを見ています。ちょっと退屈でしょう。笑 でも私の彼女はところに携帯のゲームをプレイしているからちょっと幸せになります。
Hey everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Tomorrow is my girlfriend’s little sister’s wedding, but tonight we’re just watching Back to the Future in our expensive hotel room. Pretty boring! But my girlfriend is next to me playing a game on her cellphone and it makes me happy enough.
Anyway, what does this have to do with Japan? Well, I’m writing this on my new laptop! I bought a new Macbook Air on Thursday. Honestly, it was a bit expensive, but it was on sale and I had a student coupon that made it a fair bit cheaper. I really like it! I’m mainly a PC user, but I actually think that OSX is far superior to Windows 10. I have a tablet, but it’s slow and not very powerful, and Anki, the program I use to make sentence flashcards for vocabulary practice, doesn’t work so well for actual card creation on mobile versions (though I do otherwise think AnkiDroid is pretty great). So it really seemed like I needed a PC. Problem was, I truly hate Windows 10 and have had lots of problems with it on my home PC, and I hate its intrusive automation. Being able to control these things yourself is much better, I think. OSX has some of that too, but gives you a lot more control.
Anyway! Sorry, I’m rambling! Point is, this Macbook is really convenient. It’s got much better Japanese keyboard support than Windows 10, it’s light and streamlined like a Chromebook, and I like OSX better than I thought I would. You should really buy a decent computer before you take a trip to Japan as a student. Tablets and smartphones are fine, but having a laptop for studying is more convenient, I think. Either way, bring good study tools with you! Google Maps is handy to have on your phone, but actual trip planning is much easier on a reasonable computer. Some schools will have deals for students on laptops, so check with your school and see if you can get one for cheap!
Whoops! I totally fell asleep the night before last, and then yesterday I went to bed early! The wedding is already over!
Anyway, I hope this quick post has impressed upon you that there are decent student deals out there for laptops, and getting one before your trip to Japan is highly advisable. There are a lot of great study tools out there, some of which are better accessed via a computer rather than an app (or which don’t have an app version), and it’s nice to have a home base for writing, blogging or otherwise keeping track of your travels, and planning future trips around the country.
I know, this post wasn’t too Japan-focused, but I wanted to get something out about making the investment in this system since I’m attempting to blog about all the considerations I’ve been making prior to leaving. There will be more to come about scholarships, insurance, acquiring a visa, and more, so stay tuned!
Catch you guys next time.
[…] will try to get back to finishing the followups needed to get to the end of the tale started by my previous posts about Japan, but for now, there’s some other work waiting in the wings that needs to […]