Well, while it may not be perfect (I’m working on it), Bookruptcy is about as good as I can get it for the time being….

I’m sure somebody is going to find this distasteful, but I love weird art, especially the kind that makes you stop and think. If it…

TFMA is dead. Long live Bookruptcy. Having exhausted my resources trying to bail out the boat in which TFMA had gradually been sinking (apparently a…

We all live in tiny worlds of tragedy. Some books celebrate this concept, others mock it, or satirize it, or try to pretend it isn’t…

I recently finished playing through Dark Souls on the PS3, one of the only games that’s truly grabbed me and made me feel in the…

Not only is my landlady loud, messy, and difficult to live with, she’s also absolutely convinced of her own intelligence and altruism. Except she probably…

It’s been a long time—somewhere in the vicinity of 12 years—since I’ve been to school. I graduated high school in 1998, a couple years before…

I will never understand exactly what it is about writing that’s so hard to nail down. Why does it gush out of you on Tuesday,…

I’ve had a blog in the works for a while now that requires more time and attention than I am currently willing to give it,…
Hey people!!!!! Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
This was great to reead
Grateful for shariing this
Thanks, Chris! Gonna buckle down and get er done this year if it kills me.
Looking forward to reading the book when it's ready!