Bookruptcy Development Progresses (Stagnates?)

Vintage typewriter. Vienna, Austria

Well, while it may not be perfect (I’m working on it), Bookruptcy is about as good as I can get it for the time being. I’ve salvaged the majority of the old posts, updated the color scheme, tweaked some of the CSS, and the result is a website that is, I hope, at least an enjoyable place to sit and read the occasional bit of black-hearted tomfoolery.

Returning posts include The Boy Detective Fails Reviewed, where I discuss Joe Meno’s wonderful novel; The Soul of a Game, which contemplates the opposing digital darknesses of two of the most distinctly dark properties brought to us this generation (how’s that for some alliteration?); and Aren’t We All, where I wax poetic about roommates, the Bible as philosophy, and being an asshole.

Work continues, though with finals coming up (oh yeah: Back is the New Forward), I haven’t had quite the time for writing that I’d like. Thankfully we had a snow day today and I got to spend a good 3 hours or so editing the latest story, a Lovecraftian tale of love, regret, and the faceless leviathans that swim in the black oceans of our memory. More to come on that soon, I hope. I’ve got a few things locked in the chamber, and a few others eager for the barrel, so expect news soon.

And speaking of soon, As Simple as Teacups will be available just as soon as the latest issue of Sheepshead Review goes live. It’ll be available in print first, for the modest sum of $5 per copy (shipping included—beat that!), then eventually online in PDF format. Until then, you can check out the awesome cover they shared with us today. I really love what they did with the last issue, so I’m excited to see how this one comes together.

The rest of the weekend is going to be reading. Either studying for finals, reading the stories for LitReactor Battle! #2, and/or a bunch of reading for Pantheon Magazine, where I’m now working as a reader (fingers crossed that you might see some of my work appearing there too, if I’m really lucky—as a reader, I know just how much good stuff I’m up against).

Until next time, stay warm. We’re certainly trying. It would be easier if the rental agency would ever return our calls about the broken heater.