

TFMA is dead. Long live Bookruptcy.

Having exhausted my resources trying to bail out the boat in which TFMA had gradually been sinking (apparently a lost cause, according to my personal experience and my helpful-but-hopeless host), it became clear that a change was needed. That change is Bookruptcy, the website where you find yourself now; and while it may not be a yacht, it holds water, at least for the time being. Bookruptcy will be where you can find anything you reasonably want to know about the dark holes beneath my house from which I drag out all the dirty things that flop and gnash on my pages. We’ll put them under the lens together, see what makes them tick. We’ll peel back the outer layers until we find what’s resolved in the depths of their cavernous, arrhythmic hearts.

The site should be more functional than TMFA ever quite managed to be, and I look forward to breathing these cloudy dreams to life with you. We’ll pull at them like sinewed wishbones, and let fate decide whose hungers rise first.

I didn’t have a lot to work with given the catastrophic failure of TFMA’s last blackout, but I managed to salvage the majority of the old posts from a raw text backup. Comments, sadly, have been lost, so I apologize to those of you who had really put some time and effort into some of our better discussions. They were a lot of fun, and those posts are likely here or will show up soon if you feel compelled to start any old conversations anew. I seem to recall that Texas and the Collective Vehicular Deathwish, eBooks and the Ownership Machine, and The Unsimple Responsibility of Parenthood generated some lively comments.

The site is still very much under construction, and a lot of what’s here will get refined beyond its current placeholder status. Expect colors and readability to improve, and ads to disappear. Too, the new site will focus more heavily on books and writing, to provide your literary impulses—be they consumptive, creative, or merely curious—with more upon which to feed.

Thank you to everyone who made TFMA such a tremendously good time, and I hope that Bookruptcy will treat you far better. Your support and readership truly mean the world to me. Thank you.

Oh yeah—and updates on Plague Thieves and Peristalsis to come soon!


