Horror author Michael J. Riser updates with a blog, new horror art throughout Bookruptcy, and some news on his editorial position at Screen Rant.

What have I done?! I could hear myself screaming internally as I looked at the sea of files in my Google Drive. I have so much shit that I’ve written, and so much of it consists only of half-finished ideas, a few sentences about a character or setting or plot. Realizing that I was going to have to convert this stuff was a nightmare realization. And when I started actually doing the conversions, that only got worse, because I realized that this was a clean install of Scrivener.

I had used other methods of storage before, some of which had existing file structures associated with them that I had backed up, and then I also had various pieces I had labored over at work (sorry, not sorry) which ended up getting stored in several work backups and then a massive dump of all that stuff after I left my job. Needless to say, what I ended up with was a working structure of mostly current stuff, backups of that stuff, then backups and dumps of several other platforms and things that I had never fully gotten around to integrating into whatever newer systems I came up with. As someone who was at least attempting to be a professional writer, writing itself was the main thing. All of that busywork and maintenance was stuff I knew I needed to get around to, but at the same time it never mattered enough in the grand scheme of things (unless I needed to dip back to find an older document or some such) to truly hold my attention.
Then it all got worse: I met Scrivener for the first time.

Annihilation was a hell of a book. It’s one I enjoyed, am glad I stumbled across, even gladder I read, and am still a bit…

All I want to do is write. Okay, so I know that I haven’t gotten around to finishing writing about my experiences in Japan. Frankly,…

I am guilty of writing about individual bits and pieces of my experience to friends and family, and sharing a few longer stories here and there without actually sitting down and documenting much of anything, and so this post is an attempt to change that.

皆さん、こんばんは!じゃあ、もっと10日で日本に行きます!本当に楽しみですがちょっと怖くなりますね。フォーマットを変更してみてますね。実はこのポストを日本語で書いているのに、日本語のイントロの後で英語版が来ます。そして日本語版下に現れますね。いいですか?うまくいけば、これはメインページを整理した状態に保ちます。(残る日本語のポストが下に現れます。) Hey guys! Well, it’s only ten more days before I leave for Japan! I’m incredibly excited, but also a little terrified. I’m trying a…

she kicks, legs out on imagined grass grown over cotton water. we wash up on the duvet, pursed and pillowy as clouds hovering over the…
Hey people!!!!! Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
This was great to reead
Grateful for shariing this
Thanks, Chris! Gonna buckle down and get er done this year if it kills me.
Looking forward to reading the book when it's ready!