日本の大冒険:第3章 - Japan Adventure: Part 3

日本の大冒険:第3章 – Japan Adventure: Part 3


Hey guys! Well, it’s only ten more days before I leave for Japan! I’m incredibly excited, but also a little terrified.

I’m trying a slight format change here, to lead with a Japanese greeting or intro, then move into the bulk of the post in English, and finish with the same post in Japanese (though I’m actually writing these posts in Japanese and working backward to English). Hopefully that will keep too much Japanese text from appearing in the previews on the main page, but will also give Japanese friends and readers a reminder that they can read the post in their native language as well.

So! The trip! Well, I’ll leave from Oakland on the 12th, and will arrive in Narita Airport on the 13th. From there, I’ll take a bullet train to Kamakura, and I’ll stay my first night at a hostel next to a canal there. The next day, I’m planning to go see the Daibutsu (a giant statue of Amitabha Buddha, or Amida in Japanese) and Enoshima, a small island destination with restaurants and shops. I’m interested in the Daibutsu as a Religious Studies major, of course, but also as a Buddhist practitioner, and I’d feel foolish if I didn’t go see something I’ve read so much about while I had the chance.

On the 15th I’m planning to head to Nagoya. On the 16th, en route to Kanazawa, I’ll stop at Fukui and Eiheiji (the latter being a giant Zen temple complex you can see more about here), and eventually stay at a hostel in Kanazawa. Afterward, on the 17th, I’ll finally head to Matsumoto. This is where my university is, but also the famous Matsumoto Castle, which hopefully I’ll be able to check out on my first day there, provided I don’t collapse from exhaustion. On the 18th my orientation at Shinshu University will begin, and man … just thinking about it is making me nervous.

But I’m excited! Despite being a little underprepared and overwhelmed, I’m truly looking forward to the experience. My friend Jenna just got back from a year at Shinshu, and because of her I’ve already made some new friends on Facebook and LINE. I’ve also met some other people in Nagano Prefecture on HelloTalk, a sort of Twitter or Instagram-style app for language learners; so even though my Japanese still really sucks, I’m really excited for the opportunity to practice!

Oh, shoot, I almost forgot. Something else pretty great happened too! I was selected by the Gilman Scholarship people (one of several scholarships that are making this trip a reality, for which I am immensely grateful) to write about my experiences for their blog. Very soon you’ll be able to see some official blog posts from me here.

Well, I think that’s about it. As always, thank you everyone for all your support and well-wishing. If all goes as planned, the next post you read from me will be written from an airplane!





