2014.06.19 - "Love, Posey" appears in Solarcidal Tendencies (paperback from CreateSpace/Amazon.com $10).
2014.05.27 - "Cradlesong" appears in Despumation vol. 1 (paperback issue from CreateSpace/Amazon $6.99, $3.99 for Kindle).
2014.05.18 - "Casa de Perros" appeared in Pantheon Magazine's anthology Gaia: Shadow & Breath (paperbacks from $10-$13 at CreateSpace/Amazon, ebooks for $2.99).
2013.12 - "Dog Training" and "As Simple as Teacups" featured in the Fall 2013 issue of Sheepshead Review (print only - $5, shipping included, here).
2013.10.12 - Come Death featured on deviantART.com.
Wanted to do #horrorwatch but man, apparently it's really tough for me to carve out a couple hours at 6 on a Saturday. Hope y'all are enjoying. I'll be able to join one of these days again ...
Okay well Curtains was a lot better than Black Mold. A full star better, turns out. I'm also now smitten with young Lynne Griffin. Bit confused as to why anyone would sleep with the gross director dude, especially after finding a head in the toilet. 🎥👻 #horror #horrorsky #filmsky #movies
Hey people!!!!! Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
This was great to reead
Grateful for shariing this
Thanks, Chris! Gonna buckle down and get er done this year if it kills me.
Looking forward to reading the book when it's ready!